What are the technical essentials of the color box stamping process?

Hot stamping process of color box

   The hot stamping process of color box has two purposes, one is to improve the added value of the packaged products, and the other is to give the packaged products a high degree of anti-counterfeiting, while hot stamping can show the personalization of the product packaging and safety and environmental protection.
   The hot stamping of color box products, the process involves all aspects of production, as long as we focus on the whole process of quality control and control from the layout and production, not only can effectively avoid quality problems, but also better ensure the hot stamping quality of color box products to meet customer quality requirements for paper packaging products.

01 hot stamping process awareness and layout of reasonable design

   Stamping a layer of colored foil on the printed matter, also commonly known as aluminum process. In the post-press finishing process, the aluminum carbide process is applied more is hot stamping gold foil, followed by hot stamping silver foil. With the diversification and personalization of market commodities, the production of aluminum carbide color is also a variety of colors, now a variety of products hot stamping colors, in addition to the common gold, silver, copper, there are blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, brown, red, rose, white, gray, black and many other kinds of colors.

   Nowadays, almost all colors can be hot stamped with the corresponding color of electrified aluminum. In addition, there are laser foils that can bloom with different color effects after hot stamping, and the choice of color space has been greatly expanded. As the color box product printing area is generally larger, appropriate in the layout design hot stamping area, can play a role in highlighting the decorative effect of product packaging. Therefore, the reasonable design of color box products hot stamping layout and color, can effectively reduce production costs, but also can better take into account the quality of the product effect, so that the hot stamping parts play a good role as the finishing touch. Therefore, as long as the color box important part of the product logo, product name and so on design into the hot stamping layout is also enough.

   Craft design is worth noting to remind is that, the color of hot stamping foil and base paper and printing color, should not be too close, otherwise it can not highlight the hot stamping process effect. And only the color of the hot stamping and the background paper or the background color to form a strong contrast, in order to better highlight the hot stamping layout of the craft effect. For example, the bottom color of the color box is yellow, if the gold stamping on such a color, the two colors are similar, the stamping layout will not appear eye-catching enough, it can not well highlight the aluminum carbide stamping screen elegant process effect. If the yellow background color stamping silver, red or other contrast effect is relatively large electrochemical aluminum, stamping layout is more prominent, the quality of the product effect is also greatly improved.

02 pay attention to the printing process control, prevent hot stamping ills

   Many color box products hot stamping layout, is in the printing of the base color on the basis of hot stamping, so that the printing ink quality how, directly affects the quality of the product hot stamping, therefore, this requires the printing of the printing pre-printed carton face paper and color box base color used in the ink fineness should be good, the drying degree of the right to ensure that the ink layer coated uniformly, adhering firmly. Stamping on the base color, should try not to add excessive brightening agent in the ink, lightening agent, de-sticky agent, desiccant, etc., so as not to produce stamping can not be stamped, stamping issued flower, stamping foil attached not firmly, as well as stamping process is easy to tear down the ink layer and other quality shortcomings.

   The printing of the background color layout, ink coating thickness should not be too full, otherwise it is easy to produce stamping quality problems. If the spot-color base color on the design of hot stamping layout, it is best through the implementation of the "deep ink thin printing" process technology, the base color ink hue of the appropriate adjustment of a little deeper, so that the printing ink layer is relatively thin, not only to meet the requirements of the printing hue, but also to make the printing ink layer is easy to dry, and firmly attached to the cardboard or laser film, in order to help Realize the good stamping of electrochemical aluminum. In addition, attention should also be paid to the selection of good coloring power and good temperature resistance ink for printing, and printing process as far as possible not to use or less use of spray powder, while printing the pressure used to be slightly larger, in order to avoid the ink coated with a large amount of ink, prone to produce floating ink phenomenon, affecting the hot stamping quality of the products of the color box.

03Adaptability analysis and technical control of hot stamping process

Characteristic analysis of hot stamping plate

   Zinc plate is the most traditional hot stamping plate material and the cheapest hot stamping plate, it is made by corrosion process, the plate making process is relatively cumbersome, the production cycle is relatively long, and the open machine plate generally needs a certain quantity. As the edge of the zinc plate has a certain slope, the layout is also prone to pitting, poor gloss and other quality defects, if the stamping pressure is large and easy to appear in the word, line paste, deformation and flower malpractice, so the zinc plate is generally suitable for stamping a small area of the line layout is commonly used in the stamping of the medium and low-grade color box products stamping plate material.

   Copper plate process using computer engraving to complete the production of high precision plate, speed, plate wear resistance, plate edge almost no slope, not easy to appear dirty plate, paste plate problem, copper plate surface is also relatively smooth, fast heat transfer speed, hot stamping quality is better than zinc plate, suitable for batch of large quantities of fine color box products hot stamping. However, copper plate material is relatively expensive, the production cost is obviously higher than zinc plate. In addition, corrosion plate process of magnesium plate, is also hot stamping high-quality products of the ideal plate material, the plate plate plate corrosion speed, neat slope, good continuity, smooth edges, and the specific gravity of small, lightweight, thermal conductivity, heat transfer and heat dissipation fast, plate surface hardness is high.

   Due to the delicate material, the heat transfer effect is also better than zinc plate and copper plate. Magnesium plate is almost deformation-free during the stamping process. The stamping speed of magnesium plate is obviously faster than copper and zinc plate, which can better improve the stamping speed, and the print resistance rate is about 20% higher than that of copper plate, so it can be seen that magnesium plate is a good plate material for stamping process. It is better to choose the appropriate hot stamping plate according to the production process characteristics of the color box products and different quality requirements, as well as according to the equipment and layout characteristics of the corresponding thickness of the hot stamping plate, in order to take into account the production efficiency and quality.

Analysis of the suitability of stamping equipment

   Stamping machine is divided into flat press, round press and round press structure, three models have their own characteristics and process advantages. Vertical flat-press flat stamping machine is the most commonly used stamping equipment, its main feature is the production operation is convenient, fast, production of short lines of products with high production advantages. However, due to the structure of the flat press flat combined pressure, the machine speed is slow, for large batch orders, the production efficiency is limited to a certain extent. And when stamping the layout is full contact with the printed sheet, the pressure is relatively dispersed, the uniformity of pressure is also subject to certain constraints, is not conducive to the complete transfer of electrochemical aluminum coating, stamping the field layout, the quality of the effect is not as good as the round press flat and round press round structure of the model, is more suitable for small specification color box stamping. The hot stamping equipment of round press flat structure adopts automatic paper conveying, the speed of hot stamping is obviously faster than that of flat press flat model, and the efficiency and quality of hot stamping are higher. Because the working pressure when stamping is line and surface contact, the pressure is relatively concentrated, the working pressure is small, the pressure of the stamping layout is also easy to be uniform, so it is more suitable for the batch is large, the area is relatively large, and is suitable for stamping the color box products with high precision.

   Round press round structure of the hot stamping equipment, higher degree of automation, hot stamping quality is also the best. Due to the machine stamping plate cylinder and embossing cylinder is line to line contact, the working pressure is small, the pressure is easy to concentrate and get uniform stamping effect, the machine working precision is high, is also better to meet the production of large quantities, large-size color box products, to achieve high-quality hot stamping process effect of the ideal choice.

Technical control of hot stamping process

   Production process to put a good hot stamping process technology, mainly to control the pressure of hot stamping, color box material surface gloss is not good or the bottom of the ink layer is thicker, hot stamping pressure is relatively slightly larger. Field and text or fine lines and coexist hot stamping layout, can be appropriate in the field corresponding to the liner, can be padded with a layer of appropriate thickness of paper, so that the text or fine lines are not prone to paste plate. If the print is not dry or ink layer thick, resulting in hot stamping layout flower, can be adjusted through the settings, as appropriate, to control the combined pressure delay time of 1 ~ 2 seconds, in order to extend the time of the transfer of electrochemical aluminum and adhesion to improve the quality of hot stamping effect.

   If the combined pressure delay time is long, the aluminum carbide coating is easy to melt too much because of the heat time, resulting in the stamping layout paste plate. In addition, the reasonable adjustment of the stamping temperature is also an important control link, according to the ambient temperature, the stamping material, stamping plate characteristics and the size of the stamping area, the speed of machine production, as well as the structure of the stamping machine and other factors, comprehensive consideration to grasp the appropriate temperature of the stamping, which needs to be carefully observed, analyzed during the production process, and record the relevant process data, in order to accurately summarize and adjust the optimum Stamping process parameters to ensure the quality of color box products stamping.

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