Is it necessary to customize lingerie packaging with handheld paper bags?

With the international brand Victoria’s Secret becoming a household name, many high-end branded lingerie stores have been born in China. For these lingerie brand stores established only a few years, the choice of what kind of packaging is undoubtedly a crucial step.
China’s lingerie industry has entered a period of brand competition. Brand competition, an important aspect is: how to shape a strong brand image. And underwear packaging bag is a direct carrier of information conveyance. It can not only explain the name, quality and trademark of the product, introduce the special effects and uses of the product, but also show the characteristics of the enterprise. Consumers through the packaging can be obtained in a short period of time the relevant information of the goods.

  After a questionnaire survey, it was concluded that 70% of young female consumers are often annoyed by the lack of good lingerie bags after buying lingerie. They are eager to have better packaging on the market, rather than some unremarkable plastic bags. Because now we can see, many underwear consumers from the underwear market after the purchase of underwear, out of carrying almost all ordinary plastic bags, underwear brand homogenization phenomenon is serious, but also can not distinguish between good and bad underwear brands. This not only reduces the grade of the underwear brand, but also make some of the nobles lose their identity. Therefore, in order to provide consumers with effective identification and easy to carry function, customized underwear bags are imperative.

  From the point of view of protection function, White Cardboard Bag can protect underwear products from pollution, damage. Because underwear is the closest to the body of the garment, it must be kept clean, its shape and material need special protective packaging to prevent external invasion caused by deformation. If a piece of underwear pressure deformation, wear to the body not only can not show a woman's perfect body curves, bring uncomfortable feeling, and long-term use, not only let women's soft breasts are squeezed, and even cause breast deformation, lesions. After a survey, 100% of female underwear consumers are particularly concerned about the hygiene and safety of underwear packaging materials.

  From the sales point of view, lingerie packaging bags can beautify the product, promote sales, which is designed from the spiritual function of packaging, which is to fully meet the consumer's material and aesthetic cultural needs of commodities psychological, artistic methods, through the packaging materials, shapes, patterns, text, color shaping commodities, cultural style and taste, to set up a beautiful and unique commodity image, beautify the commodity, attract consumers, improve the value of goods and added value. The value of goods and added value. Lingerie with packaging not only attracts consumers' eyes, but also enhances the corporate brand image.

Although in the eyes of many traditional, older people, underwear is worn inside, others can not see, it is not worth spending a high price to buy. But today more and more young people are more concerned about the proper and comfortable intimate apparel. They believe that underwear is the most intimate best friend, worth spending a high price to buy, reflecting the pursuit of a refined life. With the change in consumer attitudes. Lingerie brands should also have this “worth it” concept. Selection of customized paper bags, exquisite upscale, can further promote the underwear brand in the subtle.

The traditional EVA plastic bags give people a sense of low-grade, LOGO is only a simple printing, translucent design is convenient for customers, but still can not get rid of the sense of cheapness. If you continue to extend the use of plastic bags, does not reflect the brand difference and uniqueness, that is, the product quality and then good, the fabric contains a black technology, but because of the low-grade packaging, the final product may also be no one asked for.

Lingerie bag selection White Cardboard Bag customization is the trend, especially for some urgent need to establish a brand of underwear enterprises.

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