What are the quality control methods for printing on eight different paper types in the printing process?

In the customized paper bags with logo printing process, there are often different materials used to print the same or similar layout, such as product packaging, trademarks, manuals and other series of printing products, general printing layout graphics or logo color design is basically the same, but due to the differences in the characteristics of the substrate, some of the products used in the printing equipment, ink performance and process form is not necessarily the same, and customers often require series products of the Printing color requirements to achieve basic consistency, can not appear obvious color difference. The actual production process shows that different materials of the series of printed matter ink color quality control there is a certain degree of difficulty, the need for careful design of process technology and operating technology to carefully control, in order to obtain better printing quality results to meet the quality requirements of customers.

  First, a series of printed matter characteristics of the analysis and process to determine methods

  The so-called series of printed matter is to refer to the same kind of product inside and outside the packaging specifications of different or complete sets of products using different printing materials, however, the graphic layout structure or color is the same or similar. Due to differences in material characteristics or printing layout specifications, the adaptability of the printing process is also very different. Such as the outer packaging of corrugated cardboard boxes, color box surface printing materials such as whiteboard, kraft card or boxboard, carton packaging materials are whiteboard, kraft card, white card, glass card, coated card, PE lamination paper, etc., flexible packaging plastic film, cellophane, tissue paper, oleophobic paper, copy paper, offset paper, vacuum aluminized paper, laser paper and so on. Corrugated cardboard thickness, surface flatness characteristics, as well as PE laminated paper, plastic film, cellophane, tissue paper, vacuum aluminized paper printing process, from the characteristics of the material and product packaging safety, health quality considerations, suitable for flexo printing with water-based ink, can better ensure product quality. For the pre-printing process of the color box face paper, color box printing of white paper, kraft card; vacuum aluminized paper, laser paper and other materials, the number of large gravure or flexo process can be used, so that the printing quality and production costs have been better balanced. For the number of about 100,000 prints of whiteboard, kraft card, white card, glass card, coated card products, as well as glossy paper, copy paper, offset paper, vacuum aluminized paper, laser paper can be used offset printing process is more appropriate. Among them, glossy paper, copy paper quantitatively lower, is not suitable for high-speed automatic infeed, can use low-speed 01 offset printing machine for printing, in order to better ensure the overprint quality of the product.

  Second, to focus on pre-press layout design process technology control

  Now many printed products are provided by the customer’s own design or advertising company design, production of electronic manuscripts, due to their incomplete understanding of the printing process, often resulting in the production of manuscripts, can not be adapted to the requirements of the printing process. The same anilox structure layout of the series of printed materials, for example, due to the use of printing materials are not the same, the printing color will appear larger differences. Is the same with offset printing process printing paper plate (whiteboard paper material) and paper cups (single-sided PE lamination paper) of these two products, due to the smoothness of the surface of the whiteboard paper material is good, the amount of ink absorption will be less, while the surface of the single-sided PE lamination paper is relatively rough, the amount of ink absorption to be a little larger, with the two kinds of material printing anilox structure of the same layout, the color will be a big difference, the general single-sided PE lamination paper printing color is significantly lighter than the White paper, ink, pressure adjustment often can not be better to overcome the material printing performance differences in the color problem. Generally through the plate design will be printed on single-sided PE lamination paper main color dot area appropriately adjusted a little larger, in order to make the printing color to reach close. Therefore, when receiving the same anilox layout structure and substrate materials are different series of printed products, we must first carefully analyze the original layout structure and substrate material properties, and then determine a reasonable plate design, that is to say, according to the material gloss, printing and ink absorption properties, reasonable adjustments to a certain type of product layout of the dot area, in order to ensure that the colors printed on different materials to reach close to each other.

  Third, pay attention to the direction of the collocation process technology control

  Multi-platen structure of printed matter, a print sheet is usually spelled out several different varieties of layout, if you do not take into account the differences in different varieties of printing color, but the color difference between the different varieties of spelling in the same longitudinal direction, then, once the longitudinal layout of which one of the layout of the printing color appears lighter or darker, it will be difficult to locally adjust the amount of ink through the ink bucket to achieve the corresponding longitudinal layout of a particular variety of ink color control, ink color control, ink color control, ink color control, ink color control, ink color control. Ink color control of the layout, ink color adjustment will often lose sight of the situation, can not take into account the overall vertical layout of the printing color. Therefore, for the multi-platen paper plates, paper cups, trademarks and other products, each longitudinal position is best to spell the same species or spell the color of similar varieties, in order to facilitate the effective adjustment of the amount of ink coating. Do not spell in the same longitudinal orientation of several products with large color contrast, because, so that the most prone to color differences in collocation printing, even if the amount of ink can be adjusted through the ink coating to achieve the control of the printing color, however, prone to produce a chain of printing quality problems, such as pulling the hair of the paper, paste the version, dirty version of the bad situation.

  Fourth, through the solarization process to adjust the control of dot size

  The main feature of the series of prints is generally the same basic graphics, just the size of the difference, and the substrate material characteristics are very different. If you have made a good film mesh structure is the same, you can consider the technical aspects of the solarization process, according to the substrate layout of the gloss and ink absorption, appropriate control of the main color version of a certain product solarization of the exposure time, to achieve the size of the dot adjustment. Series of products to the substrate glass card and offset paper two examples, offset paper layout is relatively rough, ink absorption, can be appropriate to shorten the main color version of the exposure time to achieve the purpose of increasing the dot area, so that the printed offset paper printed matter layout ink color to be close to the glass card printed matter layout ink color, and not prone to paste the version of the ills. However, it must be pointed out that, by solarization link to adjust the dot size is limited, can only be a small amount of adjustment, if the exposure time is too short, the layout of the darker white spots are prone to paste the phenomenon of death, the layout of the hierarchy is poor, therefore, the exposure time adjustment to master the appropriate degree, such as by the original normal exposure should be 140S, shortened to control the exposure time between 110-120S for the appropriate.

  Fifth, by adjusting the printing pressure to control the printing color

  Printing pressure is the transfer medium, the size of the printing pressure is directly reflected in the printing ink color shades, especially letterpress printing process, the size of the pressure on the printing ink color shades of the impact of the role of the larger, when the printing pressure to increase, the printing color will appear to deepen the phenomenon, and vice versa, to reduce the printing pressure, the printing color will appear lighter situation. For different substrate series of prints, when the surface of the printing material is rough, you can appropriately increase the printing pressure to deepen the printing color, so that the color of the prints of different materials to reach close. However, the printing pressure adjustment should also control a suitable degree, too much pressure adjustment is easy to accelerate the wear and tear of the printing plate, and prone to paste the plate, the printing layout of the chain of deformation, such as distortion, this is the printing process operation should pay attention to the problem. General letterpress printing pressure to increase the adjustment, do not exceed 30 silk, otherwise, the printing deformation will directly affect the overprint quality of the product.

  Six, through the ink hue adjustment control printing color

  Four-color printing in accordance with the conventional process is the use of standard four-color ink for printing, however, when encountered in a color color differences in the case of obvious, through the ink volume adjustment or can not meet the color requirements, you can consider a color of the ink hue of the ink for the appropriate adjustments, so that the printed product ink color in line with the requirements of the color of the original manuscript. Such as we print four-color trademarks in a time, after overprinting the light orange-yellow layout color there is a clear bias for red phase, yellow hue there is a clear lack of feeling, and the original color difference is large, and the reduction of M-color ink and Y-color increase adjustments, are limited, can not be adjusted to the same requirements with the original ink, in this case, it seems that only through the appropriate reduction of the M version of the dot area and increase the Y version of the dot area, in order to achieve effective adjustment of the ink color. Dot area, in order to achieve the effect of effective color adjustment, however, this is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, and will increase the economic costs, is not desirable. The author through the printing sample for serious analysis and research, found that the entire layout in addition to the flat network of the Y-color part of the layout and the flat network of the M-color version of the existence of overprinting relationships, the M-color version of the printing results of the absence of a separate monochrome color, so the author developed in the “four-color red” ink, adding part of the “four colors Yellow” ink, composed of special spot-color red ink for overprinting, through this treatment, light orange-yellow overprinted layout, print color instantly to achieve a similar effect with the color of the sample, so that the product’s printing color finally meets the customer’s requirements. By the same token, in the printing of a series of prints of different materials, often because of the differences in materials and make a main color of the hue of the color appears significantly lighter, in this regard, consider using a certain color of the ink hue of the ink to make appropriate adjustments to achieve the correction of the printing ink color, which is also the easiest and fastest way.

  Seven, the use of different printing process characteristics of the control of printing color

  As a result of differences in the printing process, the thickness of the ink layer of the print is also significantly different, the material differences in the series of prints, according to the color of the printed page and the adaptability of the material to the printing process characteristics, select the appropriate process for printing, but also an effective way to control the printing color. Various printing processes of the ink layer thickness of about: offset printing 3μm; letterpress 8μm; flexo 10μm; gravure 12μm; silkscreen 30μm, according to the basic properties of the substrate, the surface gloss, ink absorption, as well as the layout of the structure of the pattern and so on, as appropriate, consider choosing the substrate material suitable for the characteristics of the ink-absorbing printing process. Offset printing process is subject to the limitations of the water-ink balance, ink coating amount of adjustment is small, more suitable for printing glossy relatively good substrate, such as coated paper, glass card, white card, offset paper, white paper, kraft card and so on. The napkin texture is soft, ink absorption, poor tensile strength, easy to stretch and deformation, is more suitable for the use of low-viscosity liquid water-based ink for printing, in order to obtain the ideal printing color, and water-based ink has a huge advantage on the environmental protection, so the use of flexographic printing process napkin is the best choice. Selection of printing process should not only consider the printing characteristics of the substrate on the printing color, but also consider the printing production costs, such as gravure, flexo plate process plate production costs are high, more suitable for printing long products.

  Eight, different materials series of printed materials quality control methods

  Due to the limitations of the production scale of the printing plant, such as factories have only a single flexographic printing process, some factories are a single offset printing process or gravure printing process, a number of series of printed products, customers often have to send to several factories for printing. As a result of the consideration of production costs, some customers do not use the sampling process, often the first printing of a material of the printing sample, as another material of the color of the printed material reference samples, such as the first printing of flexo napkins as offset printing of white paper plate or paper cups of lamination of the color of the printed sample, to the printing of the color control to bring a certain degree of difficulty, offset printing is often difficult to keep up with the flexo ink color. Because, flexo ink layer is thick, and offset ink layer can be adjusted range is relatively smaller than the flexo printing process. Therefore, with different processes for printing a series of printed products, it is appropriate to arrange for the use of offset printing process products printed first, using flexographic, gravure or silkscreen printing after printing, which is conducive to a series of printed products color control. If the same offset printing process to print different materials, should consider the gloss of the material first, poor gloss of the material arrangements for printing. Because the gloss of the material, the size of the printing ink volume control is relatively more accurate, can reduce the printing color appears to be a substantial deviation from the chances. It is worth mentioning that the use of printed manuscript as a printed color control samples, pay attention to the sample material light transmission properties of the visual impact of the identification of color, such as film prints, napkin prints with high transparency, should be placed side by side with the printed sample of the standard look at the sample table for identification.

  Control the color of different materials of the series of printed materials, need to focus on the characteristics of the material, printing process technology and equipment operation adjustment and other aspects of the comprehensive consideration, and through the original manuscript for serious technical analysis, and then determine the appropriate production process, so that not only to avoid the blindness of the production process, reduce the production of printing defects, and can better ensure the quality of the product printing, and effectively improve production efficiency.

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